Super Seven or Melodys Stone

Melodys Stone is a Quartz that contains seven materials, namely Smoky Quartz, Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Lepidocrocite, Rutile, Cacoxenite, and Goethite. The color of this stone can be deep purple, red, orange, and brown. It can be a transparent to opaque stone, with rutiles exhibiting different colors. The rutiles are often black, brown, gray, or purple. Melodys Stone is also referred to as Super Seven Stone, or Sacred Seven Stone. It’s a stone that shares the qualities of seven gemstones and the healing metaphysical properties of each!

Melodys Stone’s energies will connect all of humanity and guide you in helping make a difference in the vibrations of the whole planet. This stone will aid personal ascension by enhancing your psychic gifts and your psychic knowing. It will also guide you in taking the right path for your spiritual enlightenment and elevation. Melodys Stone will attune you to the stone’s metaphysical properties and activate the development of your psychic gifts.

Many pieces of Melodys Stone carry a spiritual being within them that connects to the highest and most powerful sources of inspiration and guidance. Meditating with Melodys Stone is a joyful experience. It’s a very nurturing and soothing stone. It will awaken your wisdom and strengthen your intuition.

The energies of Melodys Stone will bring you to the direction where you will feel a strong motivation to make a big change and to be of service to other people. Once you get used to the powerful energies of Melodys Stone, you will be able to develop a stronger relationship with your spirit through your crown chakra.

This stone will help you come to terms with all your experiences, both good and bad, and use them to make a positive change in your financial status. This stone will give you genuine abundance and an overwhelming sense of gratitude. It will inspire you to achieve more in your professional life using your talents and gifts.

It’s not called Super Seven Crystal for nothing! If you have been looking to expand your high vision and find new solutions to the challenges in your life, either through meditation or through psychic insight, this could well be the stone for you.

It’s almost like a kind of cosmic translator. If you have ever tapped into higher energies and found that the wisdom and information that comes through to you is so overwhelming and huge that you can’t make sense of it, this crystal can really help.

Of course, it’s not all just high and mighty thinking that this crystal helps with, because Melodys Stone can similarly do much to help you in your day to day life. In more ways than you might think!

Melodys Stone is truly an incredible stone. With all its benefits and metaphysical healing properties, this stone can be cleansed less frequently than others.


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