Strawberry Quartz

a photo of a strawberry quartz bracelet

Strawberry Quartz will bring your subtle energy body, your emotions, and your psyche into balance. It’s an important tool for when you want to start anew or get back on your spiritual path. It is the stone to guide you gently but firmly towards your life purpose. It enables us to see the happy, beautiful and pleasant aspects of Life. It increases optimism and positive thinking. If you have been stuck in a rut of negativity, pessimism, or depression, Strawberry Quartz helps to transform those feelings into more uplifting and supportive feelings.This stone helps you recognize the simple pleasures that used to make you happy. This is a perfect stone to wear or sit with during gratitude practice. Strawberry Quartz is also a stone of celebration. It reminds us to reward ourselves for accomplishments, no matter how large or small. Take time to savor and appreciate what you have achieved.


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