Rubellite (red) Tourmaline

a photo of a rubellite red bracelet

Rubellite (Red and dark Pink Tourmaline) Deep heart healing for those suffering with a lifelong history of self-abuse, loathing, and fear of being loved. Rubellite is a crystal that teaches us how to love: first of all, ourselves and then others. Rubellite stimulates not only the Heart Chakra, but the Root Chakra as well, bringing an increased flow of prana, or life-force energies, to nurture and heal the emotional body. Its grounding influence increases a zest for living and for lively interaction with others. It helps revitalize passion and joy in sexuality, and aids in making dedicated commitments based on love.Rubellite Tourmaline, also known as Red Tourmaline, is a stone of the perfected heart – one that is strong, vital, and full of passion for love and life. This Tourmaline’s combination of vibrant pink and ruby red color energy creates a vibrational pattern that resonates deeper with the Heart Chakra than other heart-stones. It links not only to the heart of the Earth, but opens to love that goes beyond human relationships and reaches out to the Universe.


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