Purple Fluorite

Purple Fluorite will have all of the qualities of fluorite with an added purple ray vibration. Some rainbow fluorite has a little purple and then there are pieces, more rarely, that are almost entirely purple and magenta colored. It stimulates the pineal gland in meditation and allows you to clear emotional body from states of confusion so that you can choose something for your own highest good.Rainbow Fluorite can include blue, green, colorless, grey, yellow and violet (rarely black) in the same specimen. It is the force of thought, order, focus and concentration in the stone kingdom and is associated with the mental body ~ as such harmonizes the mind to other bodies (look to the colors and chakras for clues) Fluorite focuses the mind, optimizes cognition and creates order out of chaos. Useful during decision making, concentration, school, working on a computer and testing. A genius stone, Fluorite is an organizer and helps to prioritize what to do first. It allows ideas to manifest into 3D reality.Rainbow Fluorite will strengthen the sinus, eyes and ears, bones and teeth and balances brain chemistry. Fluorites all have these abilities, yet the individual colors express the abilities in different ways.


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