
a photo of a large Apophyllite cluster

Apophyllite is regarded as one of the best stones for Reiki healing. It facilitates taking the client into a deeper state of relaxation and receptiveness and at the same time removes the healer from the situation so that the movement of healing energy is more pure. Apophyllite works on the respiratory system and when held to the chest can stop asthma attacks. It neutralizes allergies and promotes regeneration of the mucus membranes and the skin. Apophyllite is useful in healing matters of the spirit and in helping the spirit come to terms with being in a physical body.Apophyllite is a regulator crystal, helping the heart to beat strongly and regularly and encouraging the body to function like a well-tuned engine. It brings mental clarity, improved memory and concentration and increased optimism. Apophyllite heals emotional and physical burnout and disappointment.These stones have a high water content, which gives them the ability to conduct electricity. You will find them in a naturally occurring pyramid shape, as druzy crystals on another mineral, in clusters and in the massive form. Most often they occur in white and very light green or a combination of those two colors. Less common colors are totally white stones, grayish white, yellowish, rose red shades, and some quite rare black crystals, caused by inclusions of other minerals, possibly Hematite. They are commonly found in combination with yellow Stilbite. These stones form in a number of different configurations.


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