
photo of a extra large apatite freeform

The true Blue Apatite meaning is that it is a stone of growth and healing. In essence, its meaning represents the expansion of intelligence and the attainment of goals. It offers insight and inspiration to those who come across it.In addition, it is also a crystal that heightens natural psychic abilities. There is something magical about this stone.In addition, it can help the wearer to overcome the feeling of not being “good enough”. Those who are self-conscious will benefit well from this stone as it improves confidence and self-belief.Apatite is helpful to those who are lacking in vigor. This is because it provides more energy and is ideal when completing tasks. As a result, it is ideal to use when studying or dealing with a task that requires a lot of focus. Finally, Apatite is perfect to use when the mind is dealing with feelings of confusion or frustration. It brings clarity, understanding, and soothes the troubled mind. Using Apatite can help people to understand what may be preventing them from achieving their goals. If there are any blockages within the user’s mindset, Apatite reveals and heals them.


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