Agate and Agate Druze

a photo of an extra large agate druze crystal

Agate belongs to the quartz family, which makes it a popular crystal for healing, specifically due to its composition of silicon dioxide, a mineral that is also found in the human body. What gives the Agate stone its incredibly powerful grounding abilities is its availability in different colors (fractals of light) , including a palette of white, purple, black, gray, yellow, pink, red, and brown. The variety of chalcedony bands also help enhance your feelings of stability, which can be incredibly balancing if you’re caught in a cycle of worry and overthinking.It works by connecting you with the gentle vibrations of the Earth, making it a gentle stone with a light, diffused energy. Agate is an excellent stone for rebalancing and harmonizing body, mind and spirit. Agate enhances mental function, improving concentration, perception and analytical abilities. It soothes and calms, healing inner anger or tension and creates a sense of security and safety. Agate heals the eyes, stomach and uterus; cleanses the lymphatic system and the pancreas; strengthens blood vessels and heals skin disorders.*Pictured here: Druzy Agate, see other Agate for more images.


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